The hiring process today can feel like flying into a black hole; you aren’t sure what to expect, you can’t see what’s going on and you don’t have a lot of control over the outcome. The waiting part of a high stakes job search can be agonizing for candidates. Fortunately, companies are increasingly embracing transparency. Some utilize […]
Conversations impact business opportunities, such as when introducing yourself at a meeting or when networking. Yet, due to a weak grasp of brand messaging, many people fail to describe their company accurately (or at all) when meeting others who could be great prospects or referral sources. The secret is simply knowing what to say.
Every company knows that timely response to communications is one of the keys to customer satisfaction. Companies often don’t realize that this behavior is important in any relationship, not just keeping customers happy. To develop and maintain both your relationships and bottom line, identify and rectify any situation where employee communications are subpar. At Point […]
Your prospects and potential talent are on LinkedIn, but are you reaching as many as you could be? Companies don’t realize the extent of missed business and recruitment opportunities on LinkedIn because their employees – their best assets – don’t represent the company brand effectively.
Professional conflict exists. People misunderstand, projects hit roadblocks and team structures change. It’s a natural reaction for anyone to get upset and want to fight back when they encounter such obstacles. Many people think going on the offensive is how you come out on top in tense situations. Yet, that couldn’t be farther from the […]