Searching for your next executive opportunity can feel overwhelming. At Point Road Group, we understand how challenging the job search process can be—whether it’s standing out in a crowded marketplace, navigating networking events or preparing for high-stakes interviews. That’s why we’ve created the Executive Job Search Guide—your ultimate resource for making the process more effective […]
The hiring process today can feel like flying into a black hole; you aren’t sure what to expect, you can’t see what’s going on and you don’t have a lot of control over the outcome. The waiting part of a high stakes job search can be agonizing for candidates. Fortunately, companies are increasingly embracing transparency. Some utilize […]
The idea that no one hires in December is not true, especially with job vacancies and resignations riding high. So, if you're not hearing back from recruiters or hiring managers after interviews – or struggling to meet the right people when networking – don’t check out and give up. Instead, take a step back to […]
If looking for a new job feels a bit overwhelming, Point Road Group's Job Search Guide will help. It brings together key resources to best prepare you for taking the next step in your career. Scroll to browse all topics or click on a heading below to jump to that section. I Need Help With... […]
The goal of any job interview is for both you (the candidate) and the potential employer to gather information and determine if there is a good match between you, the position and the organization. However, an interview is only as good as the questions asked -- and formulating effective interview questions is challenging.