Introduction A lot is on the line when you present to a business prospect, potential investor or your CEO or board. With 63% of executives basing purchase decisions on the quality of a presentation, every aspect needs to be sharp. Confidence, content and presentation delivery all influence your ability to obtain buy-in from the audience. […]
We've all been in virtual meetings where we’re distracted and our minds drift, or we’re juggling 10 things at once. But here's the thing – just because it's common for people to disengage during meetings, it doesn't mean that the behavior is acceptable. Others notice when you're mentally somewhere else during a video call and […]
Can everyone on your team deliver a great presentation that will land a new client or grow a customer relationship? Can they get approval for a critical enterprise initiative? If the answer is no, then something needs to change: their presentation delivery. Too often, people focus so much on slides and handouts that they overlook […]
Leading hybrid team presentations, where some participants are remote and others are sitting together in a room, presents unique challenges in facilitation and delivery as well as building connection and engagement. Here are five steps to get your team in sync so you lead and deliver effective hybrid presentations.
Leading a hybrid meeting is not the easiest task. Doing so effectively requires additional planning and considerations beyond the basics of camera and background setup and keeping to an agenda. Here are key strategies and tips to ensure you deliver an experience that’s positive, engaging and inclusive for all attendees, wherever they (and you) are […]