How To Recharge A Stalled Job Search Before The New Year

Published on December 13, 2021

The idea that no one hires in December is not true, especially with job vacancies and resignations riding high. So, if you're not hearing back from recruiters or hiring managers after interviews or struggling to meet the right people when networking don’t check out and give up. Instead, take a step back to look at what’s happening, adjust your strategies and prepare to enter the new year with a strong, effective plan.

Sometimes It’s Them

While many companies need new talent immediately, hiring managers’ timeframes get delayed for a variety of reasons. They may be inundated with applicants, managing recruitment for multiple positions at once, short-staffed etc. While these factors don’t excuse poor behavior on the part of employer, they can extend the process and delay responses.

If you don’t hear back, it’s ok to be persistent and show interest, but know that there’s a fine line between being assertive and annoying. Overdoing follow up can negatively impact your candidacy. Try varying how you reach out, but always be brief and polite. If you’ve only emailed, send a message on LinkedIn or even pick up the phone (yes, people still do that). And if you encounter an employer who ghosts you after an interview, consider if you really want to work for a company that supports behavior like that.

Sometimes It’s You

While some job searches stall at year-end due to factors beyond your control, other instances may warrant self-reflection and a change in strategy. When you don’t gain traction from networking or interviewing, there’s likely a disconnect between how you talk about yourself (background, expertise, skills, unique value etc.) and the roles you’re applying for. The same holds true if you’re applying for roles directly with your resume and/or LinkedIn profile and not hearing back.

Your LinkedIn profile and resume, as well as how you introduce yourself and tell your story, must align and connect your value and expertise to the job you want. Other aspects of your personal brand, like communications style, video presence and responsiveness to emails and voicemails also influence impressions you make on prospective employers and connections.

Review your approach for ways to impact others' interest in helping and supporting you. Do you thank people after they facilitate introductions or let you know about job opportunities? Are you a resource to others through networking or only reach out when looking for a job? Missteps in etiquette and relationship development can dissuade others from assisting you.

A Quick Break Is Ok, But Don’t Give Up

While December is a slower month, if you’re looking for a job, don’t slow down entirely too. It’s a good time to evaluate how things have been going and identify how you can improve them heading into the new year. Reinvigorating a job search is about strategy, tactics and attitude. Let go of what’s beyond your control and take ownership wherever possible to you’ll land the job you want in 2022.

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