Your prospects and potential talent are on LinkedIn, but are you reaching as many as you could be? Companies don’t realize the extent of missed business and recruitment opportunities on LinkedIn because their employees – their best assets – don’t represent the company brand effectively.
Leading hybrid team presentations, where some participants are remote and others are sitting together in a room, presents unique challenges in facilitation and delivery as well as building connection and engagement. Here are five steps to get your team in sync so you lead and deliver effective hybrid presentations.
Leading a hybrid meeting is not the easiest task. Doing so effectively requires additional planning and considerations beyond the basics of camera and background setup and keeping to an agenda. Here are key strategies and tips to ensure you deliver an experience that’s positive, engaging and inclusive for all attendees, wherever they (and you) are […]
A strong company presence on LinkedIn increases visibility and credibility, which are critical for attracting business and talent. Your LinkedIn Company page should help those looking for your products/services, expertise and employment opportunities to find you. Sharing quality content, along with high employee participation and follower counts, will further amplify reach and build authenticity and […]
Not all posts are created equal. When and how you post on LinkedIn, as well as how you interact with content, determine visibility, reach and influence as much as what you post about in the first place. To level up your presence on LinkedIn – and maximize the overall impact of your content engagement – […]