Whenever you attend an event where networking occurs – such as a conference, professional association gathering, industry seminar, internal meeting or client outing – one key element that sets the tone and directly impacts new relationships and opportunities is… how you introduce yourself!
Sharing time and talent is not just something to feel good about; volunteering pays off in other ways that can strengthen your personal brand and drive career advancement. The efforts you put into volunteer activities are a worthwhile investment. You'll gain a lot by leading a professional association committee, serving on the board of a […]
Determining when and if it's time for a job change isn't easy. Various factors influence timing of a job search, including your level of experience, industry, competitive landscape, market climate and seasonality, as well as personal reasons. You may know in your gut that you need to make a professional move, but remain in your […]
When interviewing for a new job, you'll likely encounter at least one round over the phone. The key to acing a phone interview is to treat it as if it were an in-person conversation and prepare for it the same way. Since a phone interview can determine whether or not you move forward as a […]
When conducting a job search, you want the process to go as smoothly as possible. Here are 10 tips and reminders from hiring managers to help ensure you put your best foot forward, make a positive impression and ultimately land the job. And, if you're not actively searching for a job and interviewing, this guidance […]