When starting with a new company or moving to a different area within your current organization, you’ll have the opportunity to introduce yourself to a new team. When introducing yourself remotely, your approach will be similar as to when doing so in-person, while taking into account the unique circumstances of the situation.
Most important is to give some strategic thought to what you say and how you say it because your initial self-description makes a critical first impression on coworkers.
Prioritize these three objectives when you introduce yourself to a new team remotely.
Don’t rely on a single, generic way to introduce yourself to everyone. Instead, adjust your approach and style based on whom you’re speaking with. Consider if the group are peers or a mix of peers and supervisors and if it’s a cross-functional team or a group within a specific area. Are they in your geographic region, different parts of the country or the world? Are most of them relative newcomers to the department or company too? Are you all part of an incoming cohort?
Aim to know as much as possible about those whom you’re speaking with so you can tailor your message to enable connection and relatability.
An introduction lays the groundwork for building trust and rapport with your new team. What are the most important things they should know about you? Be relatable, but don’t undervalue yourself either -- what you say impacts your credibility. Think about what you bring to the table: deep industry expertise, specialization (e.g., product launches, raising capital, digital transformation), institutional or geographic inside knowledge, years of experience, advanced degrees etc. Neither downplay nor oversell your expertise, but do focus on information that’s most relevant to the team and company.
Also remember that packing too many things into your introduction actually dilutes the message. When others have too many things to remember, they may forget about the most important things you wanted them to focus on. Using clear messaging when you introduce yourself helps them remember key points and sets the stage for effective introductions going forward, helping others know what to say when they connect you with other colleagues.
Speak confidently in full voice and look people in the eyes when introducing yourself for the first time. When introducing yourself to a new team virtually on Zoom, Teams or any video platform, look directly into the camera to approximate eye contact.
Consider your body language, posture and facial expressions when introducing yourself so you communicate confidence. When speaking, be mindful of inflection -- don’t drop your voice or uptalk (which can make statements sound like questions).
Visuals impact impressions too, so pay attention to your video background and what you wear. A messy room or wrinkled shirt can undermine the positive impact of a great verbal introduction. Minimize background noise and other distractions too so your new team will focus on what you're saying.
...first impressions matter. Prepare beforehand by thinking about your audience and identifying the most important information about you to share with them. When speaking, pay careful attention not only to what you say, but how you say it. Making a strong introduction now will have a positive effect on building long-term relationships with colleagues and supervisors.