Pause. So often we want to jump right in and say something and fill the space, but that will lead to looking unprepared and thrown off. Instead of saying something you’ll regret, take a pause, compose yourself and then answer.
It’s a good idea to watch any previous videos and media interviews, so you can evaluate previous performance. That’s where we identify “filler words” like “um, so, you know.” It’s important to know if you use these words so you can simply pause when you’re about to say them going forward.
But also, it’s important to practice your answers. It shouldn’t matter what questions the interviewer asks you -- you should have great answers.
Keep going! As long as it’s not so distracting that it’s impossible to communicate keep going. But you can do a lot to make sure this doesn’t happen in advance. Pick a quiet location where you’ll have privacy. Also test out the equipment in advance. Whether it’s a microphone or a phone, be sure that everything is working so you’re not scrambling at the time of the meeting. Give yourself a 15-minute buffer before and after the meeting is scheduled so you’re not rushing.
When you’re leading a webinar, remember that you’re talking to real people! So often presenters go into “drone mode” and forget to keep their personality going even if they’re not being seen. Be sure to keep up your enthusiasm up.
Also, while it’s great that more and more people are using Facebook Live these days to showcase their expertise, a lot of people use it as a place to virtually high-five viewers for tuning in. There’s a lot of stopping the content to say hello to new viewers. But, think about the replay. How will this look if someone is watching it later? It will be terribly annoying to watch a video that is interrupted constantly. In most cases people won’t continue watching if the video isn’t compelling enough.
Paula Rizzo is an Emmy-award winning TV producer, bestselling author, media trainer & strategist. Paula trains authors & experts to perform better on camera and produce their own videos. Her most recent book is Listful Living: A List-Making Journey to a Less Stressed You. Watch the video interview here.