Staying On-Brand: The Power of Effective Brand Messaging

Published on August 7, 2023

Companies often say that it’s important for their employees to be “on-brand,” but what does this mean exactly? A team that's on-brand communicates in a way that aligns with the brand's values, culture and identity. They drive a cohesive and consistent brand experience, which converts prospects and retains customers.

When people aren't on-brand, their inconsistent behaviors fracture the brand experience and negatively impact purchasing decisions. It can result in confused public perceptions and comments such as, "I thought they specialized in X, not Y." In this article, we share three easy ways to get employees on-brand via consistent messaging. 

The Key to Being On-Brand: Consistent Brand Messaging

One of the most important parts of a company's brand is its messaging. How people within the company describe it to others should always be consistent. Employees have opportunities nearly every day to share the message of the brand in their communications. Yet most companies fail to provide their people with adequate training related to that message.

Even if every employee is asked to use language from marketing assets, many will still not align because doing so requires more than memorizing a few lines. Moreover, it's not uncommon that the brand message being used is different across materials and platforms. This makes consistency even more difficult.

Three Easy Ways to Get Employees On-Brand

1. Communicate clearly

The first thing to get employees on-brand is to communicate clearly what the brand message is and why it’s important to use it. It helps to clarify what they stand to lose if they don’t apply it consistently. Brands that are consistent retain greater consumer confidence and brand trust. That results in higher sales.

Brand messaging is written to communicate who you are as a company and the value you offer your target customers and stakeholders. Highlighting the benefits of brand consistency encourages employee buy-in and cultivates a shared sense of purpose and identity. This increases engagement and loyalty, helping to amplify a unified narrative. When everyone on the team aligns how they speak and write about the company, they differentiate the company from competitors.

2. Share Brand Messaging in a More Adaptable Way

Simply sending an email requesting that everyone use the company’s brand messaging won't do! Try these approaches for greater employee buy-in:

  1. Offer long and short versions of the company description, allowing employees to tailor their message based on the situation. By providing flexibility in the length and depth of the brand story, people can adapt what they say to suit different contexts. Versions to include: A one-liner, a 2-3 sentences version and a complete paragraph.
  2. Give examples of integrating brand messaging into emails, LinkedIn profile content and other important locations. By sharing specific, practical examples, your team will better understand how to incorporate the brand narrative effectively across channels.
  3. Coach senior executives as model brand ambassadors who actively communicate and reinforce the brand narrative. This will help others to follow suit. Let employees observe the senior executives whenever possible to see how they work brand messaging into introductions, presentations and other interactions.

3. Encourage Brand-Advocacy

Companies that develop employee advocacy have happier work environments and enhanced online credibility. When employees truly feel they are part of a team, they are inspired to contribute to its success.

Celebrate team victories together - big and small. Encourage their engagement on social media and reward their participation. Organizing activities, such as fund-raisers and social events can further increase engagement and bring teams closer together.

A Worthwhile Challenge

Getting employees on-brand and integrating proper brand messaging into their communications isn't easy. However, it’s a worthwhile and necessary pursuit because otherwise:

  • Prospects may get a partial picture of your services and be compelled to look elsewhere for help.
  • Customers may think that you're moving away from working with businesses like theirs and that your core expertise no longer aligns with their needs.
  • Potential hires will leave your talent pool for competitors who present stronger employer brands.

When employees contribute to a more consistent, positive brand experience, not only does it boost their engagement, it also helps convert prospects, retain loyal customers and attract top talent.

Need help getting your team on-brand? Point Road Group can help. Contact us today.

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